Here are some tips on how to lower the noise during recording:
1. Bad connection of measurement electrodes and subject will produce high impedance between signal and amplifier and as a result, the amplifier is more susceptible to noise.
2. You can get noise (60hz) directly by connecting to your computer that is powered by mains. So if you are using the computer for recording, try using a laptop that runs on battery. Remember to disconnect it from the power supply.
3. You can also have capacitive coupling with mains from different objects and conductors (image below depict human as a subject but same is valid for insect or any other subject). Try changing table or material under your setup.
4. Also you can have the noise-induced measurement from high-frequency sources around you. It can be switching power supplies and transformers from electronics around you (from the laptop, microscope, or anything else on the table). Try cleaning your table from electronics that are not used in experiments.
5. Some types of ceiling lights power supply circuit can emit "high" frequency electromagnetic noise (from 50kHz to 300kHz). Turn ON/OFF light and check does it make any difference for noise floor.
6. Communication devices WiFi router, Bluetooth, mobile phones, or any other radio emitter around you.
7. Also extension cords in vicinity of recording spot. Once we had huge noise because we were close to the extension cord reel. When we put the reel out of the room noise dropped drastically.
Generally, you should try to move away from any electronics and EM sources.
Also, you can use filters in the Config screen of the PC/Mac application to filter out some of the types of noise.